Q. What is the average life of a water heater in Calgary? On average in Calgary we generally see tanks range from 8-12 years. The rather short life is usually due to our very hard water we receive.

Q. Is Chemical Drain Cleaners effective in clearing my plugged shower drains and sinks?. These chemicals are very strong and most times are not effective in cleaning plugs. The other risk is they can damage the piping and glue that holds them together. Many times it is acid going in the drain!.

Q. Are on demand heaters all there made out to be?. In my opinion I feel as though they are still too expensive to install as well as the added maintenance which drives costs up. People like talking about endless hot water but many times don’t understand the extra maintenance needed to keep that water flowing. Annual service is typically a requirement for warranty.

Q. Where would you install water alarms?. I recommended people put them behind dishwashers, fridges, under kitchen sinks and most importantly by there floor drains and water heaters. You can imagine that if you had a main sewer back up how important it would be to have a small puddle versus a flood in the basement!.

Q. What are some brands of fixtures to purchase for my home? I always recommended companies such as Moen and Delta. Whatever fixture you purchase or have installed be sure to ask the important question of do you have all the necessary repair parts in store here when I need them?.

Q. Are Dual flush Toilets a good idea? They can for sure help your family save on your water bills. One important thing again though is to ensure that the parts are readily available to repair. Many times the flush assembly for these units either gets discontinued or is very hard to find.

Q. Will Polybutylene piping fail eventually?. Yes it will and usually it is only a matter of time. The pipe has been banned by the federal government since 2005.

Have a question not listed here feel free to contact me at Call My Plumber.