Plumbing DIY

The Power of the Shopvac!

When you have a stubborn plugged bathroom sink or bathtub/shower give a shop vacuum a try. Many times if you cover your overflow and then suck with a vacuum you can remove hair and gunk built up in your plumbing system. Just cover the overflow and turn on the vacuum and see what you get out of the drain!. Vacuums also are a great tool if an object is dropped in a toilet such as a toy or toilet paper holder. I can remember many times clearing blockages this way for customers. In short a good vacuum may cost $80-$100 but can be a great tool to have around the home.

Get those Screens installed!

A quick and easy way to save money on your home plumbing system is to purchase some metal strainers to go over your tub drains, bathroom sinks and kitchens. These cheap and easy to install items do a fantastic job on catching debris before it gets lost in the abyss of your drain lines.